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Data and Code

We are working on getting as much of our data and code online as we can given practical constraints. For now, we have the following available:


1. Standard gambling task in VS. Figshare (includes both VS and VMPFC data).

We recorded data from 124 neurons in the nucleus accumbens core region of the VS during performance of our lab's standard risky choice task. These data were published in Strait, Sleezer, and Hayden, PLoS Biology, 2015.


2. Token gambling task in dACC and sgACC. Figshare.

We recorded data from 129 neurons in the dACC and 146 neurons in the sgACC during performance of our lab's token gambling task. These data were published in Azab and Hayden, European Journal of Neuroscience, 2018 and in Strait et al., Journal of Neurophysiology, 2016. The dACC data were further analyzed in Azab and Hayden, PLoS Biology, 2017.


3. Conceptual set-shifting task in OFC, VS, and DS. Figshare.

We recorded data from 115 neurons in OFC, from 103 neurons in VS, and from 204 neurons in DS while subjects performed the conceptual set-shifting task, a variant of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. These data were published in Sleezer & Hayden, 2016, Sleezer et al., 2016 and further analyzed in Yoo, Sleezer, and Hayden, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018. 


4. Code for Bayesian robust mixture modeling. Github.

We developed a new specialized code set to examine the separable statistical components of a given functional dataset. This code and some results of its application were published in Blanchard, Piantadosi, and Hayden, Journal of Neurophysiology 2018. 


5. Data for stopping task in OFC. Figshare.

We collected data from OFC during a stop-signal task and during a matched econnmic task. These data are found in Balasubramani and Hayden, bioRxiv, 2018.


6. Data and code for counterfactual curiosity task in OFC. OSF.

We collected behavioral data during a counterfactual curiosity task. These data are found in Wang and Hayden, Cognition, 2019.


7. Data and code for patch-leaving foraging task behavior. Figshare.

We collected behavioral data during a patch-leaving task. These data are found in Cash-Padgett and Hayden, Biology Letters, 2020.


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